I'm New


Visiting or joining a church for the first time can be both challenging and overwhelming, with a sense of the unknown. Here at Mount Pilgrim, we want you to feel comfortable and confident about the decision you are either considering or have chosen to become actively involved with the assembly and mission efforts of this church body. Below, we have provided information that will prayerfully be helpful and informative for your needs.


Every person that has made the spiritual decision to join Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church Inc., will be asked to attend our New Members Orientation Presentation designed for providing information concerning our church in addition to a brief review of evangelism, discipleship and stewardship. Upon completion of this session, you will be officially extended the right hand of fellowship as a full-fledged member with rights and privileges thereof and a certificate of membership. For those that have accepted the invitation to discipleship and expressed a desire to be baptized, you will be contacted and provided information needed for preparation and attendance.


Here at Mount Pilgrim, we engage and are intentional in following the format of worship laid out by Jesus to the Canaanite woman recorded in John 4:23; “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. Our focus is on worship and praise to God though methods designed for ministering to all in attendance. Our first objective is to please God and secondly edify those that are in attendance to a level of spiritual growth and prosperity.


This area of the Christian journey is important and necessary for spiritual growth and prosperity. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”: 3 John 1:2. Here at Mount Pilgrim, we provide a variety of ways to accomplish this task. We have weekly Sunday School and Bible Study that offer class settings designed for interactive teaching that will foster development and growth to every individual . Please visit the home page of this website for class days and times.


There are various ways you can get involved with the mission and ministry of this church. We welcome you to visit the "Our Church" tab, which will lead you to "Our Ministries" with an overview of their mission and purpose. We pray this information will assist you in deciding how you can get involved. We also pray for your financial support, which will aid in the continuance and furtherance of ministry in the kingdom of God. We believe the scriptural way of supporting the financial needs of the church is through the biblical principal and measurement of the Tithe.

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